Inclusion Programs

A key aspect of our vision for inclusion is our mainstreaming program. We, along with parents of  children with special needs, wish to see them growing up like any other children. Petachya’s inclusion program makes this wish a reality.

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How does mainstreaming work?

At the beginning of the school year, Petachya’s staff conducts a comprehensive assessment, taking into consideration the child’s strengths and weaknesses. Based on these assessments, the staff puts together an individualized mainstreaming program, deciding which activities the children with special needs will be mainstreamed with typically developing children.

To optimize inclusion, the staff of the typically developing kindergarten undergoes special training with the special education staff, learning various teaching methodologies and assessment techniques, and participates in an advanced training course on mainstreaming. Ongoing pedagogic guidance is given to the typically developing kindergarten, together with the special-ed kindergarten or separately, as needed.

In order for children to feel “on par” with their peers, some of Petachya’s kindergarten programs, such as those for children with Down’s syndrome, are paired with a mainstream kindergarten of an age  group one year younger. This enables interaction and camaraderie that is developmentally compatible with the integrating class.


Types of Inclusion

Individual inclusion

In this model, a child with special needs is mainstreamed into a typically developing kindergarten for a set time, during which the teacher can closely monitor the child’s social interactions, noting his or her progress as well as areas that require development.

Group inclusion

In this model, a number of children from the special-needs kindergarten join the typically developing kindergarten. This model is especially suited to children lacking in self-confidence, who  become empowered by the group.

Reverse inclusion

In this model, the typically developing kindergarten is hosted by the special-needs kindergarten. This type of inclusion inculcates the values of giving, welcoming others, sharing and reciprocity, and boosts the self-confidence of children with special needs.

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The benefits of inclusion at a young age

We have found that the mainstreaming model benefits not only the special-needs kindergartens but the typically developing ones as well: not only are children instilled with the value of accepting those who are different, they also benefit from their staff’s ongoing training throughout the year, as they are better equipped to pick up on any developmental issues.

No stigmas

Fortunately,  young children are far more accepting, having no preconceived notions about what’s “different” and “unusual”; they are naturally more welcoming to children with special needs.


The daily schedule in kindergarten allows for different types of instruction: frontal teaching, group activities and one-on-one time, enabling individually tailored curricula that factors in the work of ancillary staff, such as occupational therapists and speech-language pathologists.

Opportunity to bridge developmental gaps

At this young age, cognitive developmental norms and the growth curve allow for a wider range of differentials. Since meeting milestones is not as pressing as it is once kids are older, this age affords an excellent opportunity for bridging gaps.

Well-rounded development

The multidisciplinary skills required of kindergarten-aged children constitute a definite advantage when it comes to inclusion: in contrast to success indicators at the school age, in kindergarten, a positive self-image and peer status are developed not only by means of cognitive achievement, but by excelling in other areas as well, such as role-playing, music and arts and crafts.

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Optimal inclusion at Petachya

Supportive Infrastructure

Petachya’s inclusion program benefits from the supportive infrastructure of our partners with several mainstream nursery schools networks.

This makes for a natural fit between Petachya’s special-ed and typically developing nursery schools. The staff of both schools receives ongoing instruction and guidance, and there is a mutually beneficial cross-fertilization throughout the year. The smaller, special-needs kindergarten meets the children’s individualized, special needs, filling in gaps as needed, while the mainstream kindergarten views the children as an integral part of the whole group.

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Country-wide network

Petachya’s network has nursery schools in many cities and neighborhoods, enabling children to attend school close to home. The children’s neighborhood friends are their friends from school, allowing for the benefits of Petachya’s inclusion program to carry over even after school hours.