Life-Changing Treatment and Support for Israel’s Special Needs Children
Only through the support of generous supporters like you can Petachya bring its life-changing program to the United States and expand their abilities to supporting thousands of desperate families.
Serving Israel’s Special Needs Children From Birth Onward
Treatments Provided Monthly at Petachya Clinics
Expert Staff Members
Rehabilitation Daycare Centers
Child Development Clinics
Preschools for Developmentally Delayed Children
Teaching and Learning
Educational Frameworks
Children Enrolled in our Mainstream and Special-needs Education Classes
Programs and Treatments
Delivered Annually
“The event you recently hosted for families of special-needs children was incredible! The parents were so moved, seeing how proud their typically developing children felt to have such a sibling. It was priceless. Thank you for enabling our whole family to feel empowered.”
— E.R.
“Parents don’t want someone to tell them that everything will be okay, because it really isn’t. What we can do is to tell them that it will take time, but they will be able to manage, and that we will be there to help them and that does give them comfort.”
— Tzippy Bertman, Founder and Director of Gedelim Beyachad
3 Ways to Support
The more people who know about us, the better we can help families — not only in Israel but the United States as well. Help us spread the word by sharing our messages with those you know.
Only through the support of generous supporters like you can Petachya bring its life-changing program to the United States and expand their abilities to supporting thousands of desperate families. Your donation, no matter the amount, will help us reach this goal.